Event Information
Save the date for our August speakers, Dave Koss & Matt Milstead.
Gateway Film Center
As hosts of the weekly Modgraph Podcast, Dave & Matt discuss the world of Cinema 4D and Motion Graphics with many regular, big-name guests from the industry. Topics are anything from Cinema 4D, to After Effects, to Render Engines like Octane, Redshift and Arnold, or even Hardware configurations. They also get into industry discussions like clients, contracts, and work efficiency.
More information about Dave & Matt’s upcoming talk will be coming soon. Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 18th
6:30 Social Hour 7:30 Presentation
Gateway Film Center, 1550 N High St, Columbus, Ohio 43201
Parking in the garage is close, convenient, and only costs $2 with validation.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
6:30 Social Hour
7:30 Presentation
7:30 Presentation
Student members: Free
Student non-members: $5
Members: $5
Non-members: $15
Credit cards and cash accepted.
Student non-members: $5
Members: $5
Non-members: $15
Credit cards and cash accepted.