Event Information
What Happens Next
Making a career-style change
It takes a lot of guts to leave any cushy full-time job. That’s exactly what Eileen Tjan did many years ago when she returned home to Chicago and started OTHER Studio.
Starting out like most of us do, Eileen was wide-eyed and hungry, diving head-first into the design industry. Over time though, her goals evolved. Eventually, she, like many of us, began to question how and where she really wanted to spend her time.
Join us on Thursday, September 19 to explore what it means to pursue a change in career and lifestyle. How can we begin to create the type of environment we want to work in…one where we can advocate for ourselves, empower others, and pursue the weird stuff?
Visit other-studio.com to see more of Eileen’s work as an award-winning art director and multidisciplinary graphic designer.
Gateway Film Center
1550 N High St.
Columbus, OH 43201
**Come out of the shadows and show us your best work from 2019 for Creative Best**
Submissions can be submitted in-person at this event or online by September 19th. Visit cscarts.org/creative-best for details.
Raffle & Presentation: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m
Non-members – $15
Student CSCA members – free
Student non-members – $5