Event Information
Why it works, why it matters, and how you can start leveraging the power of your visual images through drawing. Because drawing daily can improve the quality of your work both aesthetically and effectually. And when it comes to design and creativity, the balance between analog and digital skills is more important now than ever before.
Need some proof? Glitschka Studios has garnered numerous design and illustration awards and has appeared in such publications as Communication Arts, Print, HOW Design, Society of Illustrators, Graphis, American Illustration, and Logo Lounge books 2-7. They serve as a creative resource for numerous multi-national ad agencies, design firms, and in-house corporate art departments working on a diverse range of projects for some of the worlds most respected brands.
Von’s work is both prolific and consistently award-winning. Don’t miss his striking take on the best way to develop new ideas.
About Our Guest
Von Glitschka is principal of Glitschka Studios, a multi-disciplinary design firm in the Pacific Northwest. The studio shines as a creative hired gun for ad agencies, design firms, and in-house corporate art departments all around the world.
Von speaks regularly on design, creativity, branding and marketing. He is also an adjunct professor of digital illustration and has authored five books.